August 27, 2021
Pink Ribbon Golf Classic

Thank You for Your Support in 2021

2021 Pink Ribbon Ladies Golf Classic For Hope

The rain held off and the golfers, sponsors, volunteers and hole activity events enjoyed a fun filled day on the beautiful links at Bridges Golf Course.

We are so grateful for you – our generous and loyal Sponsors, Volunteers and Golfers.  As Breast and Gynecological cancers continue to be the most commonly diagnosed cancer among Canadian women, touching the lives of so many families every day, your commitment to join us and participate in our 25th Anniversary  tournament was very special.

We are pleased to share that $60,000 was raised for the Breast & Gyne Cancer Centre of Hope bringing our annual cumulative total to an amazing $1.1 Million dollars. These funds ensure programs and support are there for you at CancerCare Manitoba’s Breast & Gyne Cancer Centre of Hope at any point during your cancer journey.

As we begin planning for our 26th event next year, please save the date – Monday June 6, 2022. Further information will be forthcoming in early Spring, 2022.

You can be assured the event will be a celebration and jam packed with activities, prizing and golf.

We encourage you to visit the latest photo gallery and browse through the lovely pictures taken from this year’s event.

With warmest regards,

Your Host Committee
Pink Ribbon Ladies Golf Classic for Hope