Thank you to the 2024 sponsors of the Pink Ribbon Ladies Golf Classic For Hope. We hope that you will consider supporting these great companies that support such an important cause. The success of our golf tournament and fundraising efforts is largely dependent on the continued support of these organizations along with our volunteers, committee and participants.
Compassion Sponsors
Friendship Sponsors
Canada Life
Cathy Gauthier
Lisa Kasdorf
Shippam & Associates
Deer Lodge Curling Club
Garden City High School
In Memory of Margo Weiler
Brenda Slikker
CCMBF Guardian Angel Gala
Kevin & Marnie Klimack
Penny Berntt
Simply Chic Interiors
Southland Registrations LTD
A Hiller
Across the Board Cafe
Alison Wong, Consultant – Thirty-One Gifts
Aprons by Emily Rose
Assiniboine Park Conservancy
B Johnson
Barb Sveinson
Bell Media
Brenda Slikker
Callia Flowers
Cathy Lantz
Christine Prociuk
Clear Lake Golf Course
Derek Ingram High Performance & PGA Golf Coach
DMCreations – Donna McLennan
Dream Day Decor & Specialty Linens
Dreamland Hospitality Inc
Ellement Consulting Group
Elmhurst Golf & Country Club
Epicure – Kim Baxter
Evanov Radio
Fort Whyte Alive
Glendale Golf & Country Club
Half Moon Drive-In
Home Stretch Therapy – Laura Imhoff
Infomagnetics Technologies Corporation
Karen Horn
Keira’s Krusade
Kirsch Street Studio
Krevco Lifestyles Inc.
Lorette Golf Course
Melinda Sears
Miss Millie’s Flower Farm
Mr. Furnace Heating and Air Conditioning
Pampered Chef / Donna Wowchuk
Pizza Express
Portage Golf Club
Quarry Oaks Golf Course
Rainbow Stage
Red River Mutual
Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre
Salon 1925
Soy Harvest Candles
St. James Burger & Chip Co.
Trottier Family – Pat Trottier
Verde Salon
Winnipeg Sea Bears